This is what I do . . .

-Weave Baskets: large, small and every size in between. -Dye Fabrics: making everyday items fun to use. -Paint: w/dyes, watercolors or coffee. -Fiber Arts: what ever I can get my hands on. -Clay: to incorporate into my basketry. --Sharon Gunter--

This is what I do . . .

-Weave Baskets: large, small and every size in between. -Dye Fabrics: making everyday items fun to use. -Paint: w/dyes, watercolors or coffee. -Fiber Arts: what ever I can get my hands on. -Clay: to incorporate into my basketry. --Sharon Gunter--

the Basket Case /Sandpoint Farmers' Market at Sandpoint 9 -1/Saturdays, May 4 thru October 12, 2024. Weather permitting!


As the web site grows, pages and links will be added to guide you through the available items.

Dyed Items

As the web site grows, pages and links will be added to guide you through the available items.

Paintings, drawings

As the web site grows, pages and links will be added to guide you through the available items.

Fiber Arts and more -

As the web site grows, pages and links will be added to guide you through the available items.

Creations and musings . . .