Making Books
Love making books. Preparing the cover with matt-board. This is one of many ideas and can be used for any
Terra Cotta Pots and Plants
Painted Mother’s Day pictures for my daughters and daughters-in-laws. Really enjoyed my study painting the pots
The Reader – BC interview!
I’m not fond of being interviewed. I’d rather sit and make something or teach what I’m doing than straight on
Drawing Eagles
I love watching this nest ‘The Hamlet’. If you get a chance before the eaglets fly take a look then
Needle Felting with Students 2020
My passion class didn’t fill, but the few of us had a wonderful time and got to do more than
Zipper Pouches for Grandkiddos
Happened onto Stuart Hillard’s YouTube post on making these. So with my dyed fabric and extra thoughts of characters I
Continuous Pattern continues . . .
I love this idea, but need to figure out how to match up the pattern more easily. Having a hard
Painting a Puppet Theater for Work/School
So many years ago I painted a puppet theater for a teacher at my kid’s school. As with most things
Dyeing the Print
Well after printing many times I finally heat set the batch so I can dye areas. Not so sure on