Author: sharon

I'm a fiberarts dabbler, with interests in watercolor, clay, drawing, then again any combination of the above.
I'm a fiberarts dabbler, with interests in watercolor, clay, drawing, then again any combination of the above.
I'm a fiberarts dabbler, with interests in watercolor, clay, drawing, then again any combination of the above.
I'm a fiberarts dabbler, with interests in watercolor, clay, drawing, then again any combination of the above.
I'm a fiberarts dabbler, with interests in watercolor, clay, drawing, then again any combination of the above.

Snails . . . yep!

These snails are going to volunteers the Fish and Game will train – mission: count snails and slugs.

I'm a fiberarts dabbler, with interests in watercolor, clay, drawing, then again any combination of the above.
I'm a fiberarts dabbler, with interests in watercolor, clay, drawing, then again any combination of the above.
I'm a fiberarts dabbler, with interests in watercolor, clay, drawing, then again any combination of the above.
I'm a fiberarts dabbler, with interests in watercolor, clay, drawing, then again any combination of the above.
I'm a fiberarts dabbler, with interests in watercolor, clay, drawing, then again any combination of the above.